Tickets, Dates & Times
Despite the challenges we continue to face, we have been able to find a way for the Nutcracker tradition to live on, in this, our 15th Anniversary. It’s more important than ever that we are able to bring audiences some festive joy and spirit this Christmas.
Amidst the ongoing effects of COVID-19, we are committed to following COVID Safety Protocols while providing the best theater patron experience for you.
Cleaning / Disinfecting Procedures
There will be cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, handrails, and armrest surfaces before and after the performances.
Physical Distancing
We encourage patrons to maintain a minimum of 6 feet of physical distance at all times.
Staff and Volunteer Screening
All our staff and volunteers will undergo temperature screening before reporting to work and will wear a mask or face covering while at work. In addition, gloves will be worn when there is not a contactless solution.
Sanitizing Stations
Hand sanitizer stations are positioned throughout the space as well as at the building entrances and other high-traffic areas.
Here’s What You Can Do
If you or anyone in your household have symptoms of COVID-19 or have received a positive test within the last 14 days, we kindly ask that you do not attempt to enter the building.
Stay Home If You Are Sick – Please remember, If you don’t feel well, it is important that you do not
attend the theater if you:
- believe you may be infected with COVID-19, whether you have symptoms or not
- have experienced symptoms in the last 14 days
- have been in close proximity to anyone who has experienced symptoms in the last 14 days
- have been instructed to self-isolate
- We encourage anyone in your group that is clinically vulnerable, or who is in the same household and is
someone who considers himself or herself vulnerable, to make their own assessment whether they should attend.
Wear a Mask – Wear a face mask or face covering unless medically unable (per City of Myrtle Beach ordinance).
Practice Good Hygiene – Please wash and sanitize your hands frequently. Antibacterial soap is provided in all restrooms and hand sanitizer dispensers are available at all building entrances and other high-traffic areas.
Allow Extra Time
With physical distancing in place, entry and exit may take a little longer than usual. Please allow extra time and arrive early for your performance. Together, our efforts will slow the spread of the virus and create a safe and enjoyable experience for all.
Thank you for your support.
PLEASE NOTE: These protocols currently in place are subject to change in compliance with revisions to national and local guidelines regarding COVID-19. While we will provide the most up-to-date public health procedures to improve patron safety, they are not an absolute protection against contracting COVID-19. Patrons assume their own risk by entering the facility.
- Entering the building may take a little longer than usual. Please allow for extra time and arrive early.
- Please enter the building via the front entrance of the building.
- We ask that audience members be patient and maintain 6-feet distancing while lining up to get into the theater.
- The audience is recommended to wear a face mask/covering, including when seated in the auditorium, unless medically exempt. This also applies to children from the age of 11. Masks must cover both the nose and mouth. Our staff and volunteers will also be wearing masks.
- Upon entry, there will be staff and volunteers who will conduct touchless temperature screening.
- You will be directed to your seat as soon as you enter the Beach Church Auditorium.
- To promote physical / social distancing before, during and after the performances, seating is every other row..
- We highly encourage you to stay with individuals from your own household when you attend the Nutcracker performance. A limit of SIX (6) persons maximum per family/group should be seated together. Additional guests will need to be seated three seats apart in a separate group.
- Three (3) seats are to be left vacant (approximate 6 feet distancing) within each row between families / groups.
- To ensure all audience members are kept safe, we ask that you remain in your allocated seat at all times. Once seated, please refrain from moving to other seats as all seats are sanitized before the performance.
- In case of an emergency, please follow the directions of the ushers to safely exit the building.
By purchasing tickets for the show, you agree to the terms in our Waiver and Release of Claims page.

Ticket Information
RESERVED SEATING TICKETS: Premium Orchestra and Premium Balcony are going to be ASSIGNED specific seats by the CYBT staff (upon the order of purchase.) Seats will also be assigned with three empty seats in between each family/group. As such, Premium ticket purchases have an anticipated limit of tickets that can be sold.
With the social distancing restrictions in place, we ask for your understanding and patience as we try our best to accommodate all our theater patrons.
Due to the distancing of seats, our capacity per section per show is LIMITED. Maximum capacity will depend on ticket sales for each section.
If you purchase a ticket for a section that has already been filled, your seat assignment will need to be moved. If your seat assignment needs to be adjusted, we will contact you to let you know about the change that will be made. We thank you in advance for your kind understanding.
We highly encourage you to stay with individuals from your own household when you attend the Nutcracker performance.
SIX (6) persons maximum per family/group should be seated together.
Three (3) seats are to be left vacant (approximate 6 feet distancing) within each row between families / groups.
Do I have to purchase a ticket for children?
Every audience member / patron, regardless of age, must have a ticket to attend the Nutcracker performance. Please be considerate of others in the audience if you have a child who is being disruptive during the performance.
Will there be discounted tickets for children / senior citizens?
CYBT’s Nutcracker 2020 production is in great need of support from the community. At this time, CYBT is unable to offer children and senior discounts. Nevertheless, we hope that you can come to any of our performances to support us.